Vacuum Gripper for Collaborative Robots ZXP7□41-X1 for the OMRON Corporation and TECHMAN ROBOT Inc. TM Series

Products »WEB Catalog » Vacuum Equipment (Vacuum Generators/Vacuum Suction Cups/Other) » Gripper for Collaborative Robots
Products »WEB Catalog » Gripper for Collaborative Robots » For the OMRON Corporation and TECHMAN ROBOT Inc.
Products »WEB Catalog » 【特設】Gripper for Collaborative Robots » For the OMRON Corporation and TECHMAN ROBOT Inc.


・Plug and Play configuration for immediate use
 TMComponent: Easy programming
・Operate by simply connecting 1 air supply tube and
 two electrical wiring M8 connectors.
・Integrated vacuum ejector, air supply/release valve, pressure sensor, and cups
・Standards: Conforming to ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6

Other Data :
> Safety Instructions

> Vacuum Equipment/Precautions
> Series Variations/Model Selection
> Green Procurement (RoHS)

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Technical Data


■Vacuum Gripper for Collaborative Robots

■Operate by simply connecting 1 compressed air supply tube and an electrical wiring M8 connector.

■Integrated vacuum ejector, air supply valve, pressure switch, and cups
■Standards: Conforming to ISO9409-1-50-4-M6

■Cup Variations

■The cup pitch can be changed.

■The cup with flange can be used separately

(if using an external vacuum source).

■Model Selection



Easy programming

Using the certified software TMComponent of OMRON Corporation and TECHMAN ROBOT Inc., various operations of SMC grippers and sensor signals can be easily programmed by using a control box equipped with the dedicated software tool “TMflow” or by using graphical flowcharts on a Windows computer.
You can easily install the software by inserting a USB with the TMComponent software package into a control box or Windows computer.
* Please download the TMComponent software package from the SMC website, and save it to a USB memory.