Vacuum Gripper for Collaborative Robots ZXP7□01-X1 for Universal Robots

Products »WEB Catalog » Vacuum Equipment (Vacuum Generators/Vacuum Suction Cups/Other) » Gripper for Collaborative Robots
Products »WEB Catalog » Gripper for Collaborative Robots » For UNIVERSAL ROBOTS
Products »WEB Catalog » 【特設】Gripper for Collaborative Robots » For UNIVERSAL ROBOTS


・Plug and Play configuration for immediate use
 URCaps compatible Easy programming
・Operate by simply connecting 1 compressed air supply
 tube and an electrical wiring M8 connector.
・Integrated vacuum ejector, air supply/release valve, pressure sensor,
 and cups
・Standards: Conforming to ISO9409-1-50-4-M6

Other Data :
> Safety Instructions

> Air Grippers/Precautions
> Auto Switches/Precautions
> Green Procurement (RoHS)

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Technical Data


■Vacuum Gripper for Collaborative Robots

■Operate by simply connecting 1 compressed air supply tube and an electrical wiring M8 connector.

■Integrated vacuum ejector, air supply valve, pressure switch, and cups
■Standards: Conforming to ISO9409-1-50-4-M6

■Cup Variations

■The cup pitch can be changed.

■The cup with flange can be used separately

(if using an external vacuum source).

■Model Selection



Easy programming

By using the dedicated software certified for Universal Robots, URCap, the teaching pendant can conduct various operations of SMC grippers intuitively, allowing for sensor signals to be easily incorporated.
Save a copy of the URCap software to a USB memory and insert it into the teaching pendant to easily install the software.
* Please download the URCap software from the website, and save it to a USB memory.
